A Few Words From The Chairman
Concerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one\’s own; unselfish
The above basically describes every Manager , coach and person who gives up time to help this club be what I deem as certainly the best junior football club within Bucks. Therefore, I do want to take this opportunity in thanking all our volunteers who give up most weekend mornings (Saturday and Sunday ) during the season and at least one evening a week for further training. They also attend FA courses to ensure our children are in safe hands etc.
Willingness to give your time and energy to something that you believe in.
Our 2019 tournament was yet again a great success and we now have other clubs asking us to guide them in how to produce a successful tournament. Ultimately the success is the kid’s enjoyment but this cannot be achieved with out volunteers . This year again we had a great response from parents committing to give up time to enable RRJFC produce two great days of tournament football. As you know the organisation of this tournament commences six months prior so a big thank you goes out the tournament committee.

Special Year

This year one of our coaches was awarded “Coach of the year” which is a great achievement but then was asked to discuss these achievements on BBC Radio and if that was not enough was then asked to visit Buckingham Palace!
Melanie Timberlake who manages our successful Pan Disability team has been recognised by the FA in her coaching methods and the success that it has provided so football is all inclusive and delivers the one-word FUN.
As a club we are very proud and fortunate to have a PD team that has the support from Mel and her coaching team.

FA Charter Standard Community Club
Risborough Rangers are proud to have been awarded this accreditation from the Football Association. It acknowledges that we have achieved the most advanced level of Club development and football provision. It is the highest level of Club recognition in grassroots football.
The criteria for this achievement have been finely scrutinised by the F.A. who have rigidly adjudged us to be well run and sustainable – prioritising child protection, F.A. quality coaching and implementing the Respect Code of Conduct.
We are committed to a continuing total \’ inclusivity\’ policy, giving the opportunity for people whatever their ability, gender or age to play and enjoy \’the beautiful game\’. Our Club structure provides a \’pathway\’ for players to move from \’Minis\’ all the way to our senior adult teams. We aim to provide positive, safe football environments where people can develop their skills, keep fit and enjoy playing as part of a friendly, inclusive local community.

Thank you to Jeff Galatin and his team in helping us acheive this award .
In our club
Its an incredible statistic but from our u6’s – u16 we have around 30 teams! Which equates to over 480 children playing regular football. It would be great to mention the success of each team and trust me all teams have had success this last season, but I cannot ignore one age group who achieved so many tournament wins!
Our U10’s was either runners up or winners in 9 different tournaments with 30 children being involved therefore it was more impressive that the success came from all children within the age group. Well done to Paul Graham and the coaching team for what was a very successful season.
Now located on our web site here you will find the RRJFC DNA – Please take some time to review : This is:-
- Who we are?
- How we play
- How we coach
- How we Support
- The Future RRJFC player
Very soon we will be launching our new look Website which is currently being re-constructed by Ben Arnold who has two boys within the club and volunteered to take on this task.
I do want to take this opportunity in thanking Andy Forkgen who has managed the old website and improved it over the last few years improving our branding year on year .
Future Challenges
As you have read above we have a lot of teams and hundreds of children enjoying football and the biggest challenge we have at present is space? I’m sure you will have read in previous communications that Longwick council withdrew the use of the playing field which has meant we now have to find new training and match venues for 3 age groups! Therefore we are looking for suitable playing areas and hope that with the help of Risborough Town council that we will have a suitable solution.
We thank all our sponsors of RRJFC which are highlighted via our website who either sponsor our age group football kit or provide such a generous contribution to our annual tournament.
2019-20 Registration fees
As a club we continue to be the lowest cost membership for a junior football club. We have made the decision to refrain from increasing subscriptions for another year even when our maintenance cost have increased.
Our registration fees for this coming season are as follows:
£65 1st child – £40 2nd child – £20 3rd child
Like last year, there is to be a one-off payment through the paysubs online system with the deadline for all payments being the 30.09.19. You will already have received a reminder through the paysubsonline system at the beginning of this month and the process should be straight forward. If you have any problems with the registration process please email Cherie Phips at: rrjfc@subs@gmail.com
We had a fantastic response last year with the majority of parents registering players before the deadline. This really helps us as a club as it is very time consuming having to chase people to register their child. The registration process is vital as it provides a multitude of important information that we require as a club and some of which helps maintain the safety and welfare of the players such as contact numbers/medical information etc. Because of this we will maintain the same rules as previous years which are that any failure to register your child before the deadline may leave your child unavailable for selection for matches or training until registration has taken place.
Fun Sessions starting at Wades Park
- We are again starting our new football session for all children – boys and girls, who will be in RECEPTION YEAR from SEPTEMBER 2019
- The new “Minis” taster sessions will start on Saturday 14th September from 9.30am at Wades Park, Stratton Road, Princes Risborough
- Absolutely FREE of charge!
- All children are welcome to join us for a friendly training session in a fun and safe environment
- We also on the look- out for mums and dads who would be interested to help organise and run these sessions…………..So please come along and get involved if you can, you will enjoy it as much as your child!
- If you have any friends or family with younger children who would like to join our mini’s, please pass on the below contact details.
- For more information, please contact Paul Preece – paulcpreece@hotmail.co.uk
- Also, if you have any used unwanted football boots that can be recycled, please contact Paul so that this can be re distributed throughout our club.
Official start of training
I am fully aware that many teams will start training early and there may have even been teams that never stopped. However, it is worthy of note, especially for the younger teams at Wades, that the official start of training is the September 7th . However, please check with your age group manager as to the exact time, venue and date for your first training session.
We still require more volunteers in our club in order to ease the work load. Therefore, if you or you know anyone that has some time to give to our club then please contact me, so we can discuss the areas where your help is required.
Please follow us on: –
Have a great season
Andy Quigley
Chairman RRJFC